Tuesday, September 30, 2014




7:00 AM Andrew Pendell

8:00 AM Rebekah Pendell

8:00 AM Shanel Premdas

10:00 AM Daniel Zubiate

Marine Guard in Dress 6:30AM

Harrison Rakes

South African Security 6:30AM

Craig Meagher

Bob Kaye

Golfer W/N

Brandon Grice

Male in Kiddie Pool 7:00 AM

USAID Steven Belflower

Grass Cutter                   7:00 AM

Embassy Jeffrey Morris

Woman w/Buddhist Flags 7:00 AM

Embassy Lorrie Bortner

Sunbathing Man 7:00 AM

USAID Randy Roth

American USAID-Women  6:30 AM

Cait Black

Monica Johnson

Eleanor Smith

Emma Fountain

Jenelle Gallegos

American USAID-Men 6:30 AM

Charles Burkhardt

Sean Weimorts

Aaron Haynes

Ian Troy (smoker)

Travis Ralyea

Willis Miller

Timothy Holmes

American Embassy Workers-Women  6:30 AM

Tanya Hancock (smoker)

Erica Tenorio

Kathie Westgate

Dena Wood

Janet Wilson

American Embassy Workers-Men 6:30 AM

Steve Larese

Chuck Kent

Joshua Neustadter

Sonny Miller

Robert Cain

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcome to STANISTAN!


Thank you for joining us on the project "Stanistan"!

This is where you will find your CALL TIME for each shoot day. The CALL TIME will be posted the night before each production day. We will have a general idea of our start time each day, but will not know the exact CALL TIME until we wrap production the night before. When we receive the CALL TIME we will post it ASAP. Please be sure to check the blog before reaching out to us, as we have hundreds of people to speak with. If you do have any questions you can email us at stanistanextras@gmail.com or call us at 508.333.8662 (Maddie) or 505.795.6500 (Liz).

We look forward to working with you!

Madeliene Lauve and Elizabeth West